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Iodo enol lactone formation and hydrolysisTAKAHASHI DOI, J; LUEHR, G. W; DEL CARMEN, D et al.Journal of organic chemistry. 1989, Vol 54, Num 11, pp 2764-2767, issn 0022-3263, 4 p.Article

Cleavage of ethers and geminal diacetates using the boron triiodide-N,N-diethylaniline complexCHATLA NARAYANA; SEETHARAMAIYER PADMANABHAN; KABALKA, G. W et al.Tetrahedron letters. 1990, Vol 31, Num 48, pp 6977-6978, issn 0040-4039, 2 p.Article

Substitution at the 4-methyl of lanost-8-en-3-oneCARR, K; SUTHERLAND, J. K.Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications. 1984, Num 18, pp 1227-1228, issn 0022-4936Article

Liquid chromatography-photolysis-electrochemical detection for organoiodides. II: Operative mechanismsSELAVKA, C. M; KRULL, I. S.Analytical chemistry (Washington, DC). 1987, Vol 59, Num 22, pp 2704-2709, issn 0003-2700Article

Synthesis of cis-transoid-cis- and cis-cisoid-cis-tricyclo[,6]undecan-1-olsKAKIUCHI, K; TAKEUCHI, H; TOBE, Y et al.Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 1985, Vol 58, Num 5, pp 1613-1614, issn 0009-2673Article

Photodissociation within classical S matrix theory hyperbolic. Umbilic uniform approximation and application to CH3I+¬hω→CH3+I#7B-ÙGRAY, S. K; CHILD, M. S.Molecular physics (Print). 1984, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 189-210, issn 0026-8976Article

Synthesis of 20-iodoeicosanoic and 20-[125I]-iodoeicosanoic acidsPROTIVA, J; PECKA, J; URBAN, J et al.Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications. 1990, Vol 55, Num 6, pp 1546-1554, issn 0010-0765, 9 p.Article

The anomalous pharmacokinetics of amiodarone explained by nonexponential tissue trappingWEISS, M.Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics. 1999, Vol 27, Num 4, pp 383-396, issn 0090-466XArticle

New therapy updateSCARPA, W. J; LANE, V. C.Cardiovascular reviews & reports. 1996, Vol 17, Num 9, issn 0197-3118, p. 84Article

Photoxidation retardants. Spectra-structure correlation of some p-iodophenylcarbamoylarylhydrazidic bromides and their derivativesHANNA, M. A; GIRGES, M. M; GAWINECKI, R et al.Acta polymerica. 1989, Vol 40, Num 9, pp 582-586, issn 0323-7648Article

Evidence that organic iodine attenuates the adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate response to thyrotropin stimulation in thyroid tissue by an action at or near the adenylate cyclase catalytic unitFILETTI, S; RAPOPORT, B.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 1983, Vol 113, Num 5, pp 1608-1615, issn 0013-7227Article

Evaluation of MU-328 (Optiray® syringe) in contrast enhanced CT: use of lower volume by high speed CTMURAKAMI, S; MORISHITA, Y; SHIMADA, E et al.Yakuri to chiryo. 1995, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 299-308, issn 0386-3603Article

A redox reaction of (dichloroiodo)methyl phenyl sulfoneVARELLA, E; VARVOGLIS, A.Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon and the related elements (Print). 1991, Vol 55, Num 1-4, pp 275-277, issn 1042-6507, 3 p.Article

A simple method for the preparation of 123I and 125I labeled iodobenzodiazepinesMCBRIDE, B. J; BALDWIN, R. M; KERR, J. M et al.International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A. Applied radiation and isotopes. 1991, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 173-175, issn 0883-2889Article

Ferrocene derivatives. XXVI, The photolysis of halogenoferocenes in aromatic solventsIMRIE, C; NONHEBEL, D. C; PAUSON, P. L et al.Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. I. 1991, Num 10, pp 2555-2558, issn 0300-922XArticle

Optimization of argentimetric microdetermination of organic iodine by potentiometry and comparison with leipert's methodPIETROGRANDE, A; ZANCATO, M.Prodotto chimico & aerosol selezione. 1991, Vol 32, Num 2-3, pp 2-4, issn 0032-9673Article

Synthesis of thymidine from 5-lodo-2'-deoxyuridineHERDEWIJN, P; KERREMANS, L; WIGERINCK, P et al.Tetrahedron letters. 1991, Vol 32, Num 34, pp 4397-4400, issn 0040-4039Article

Simple method for the determination of hormonal iodine and exogenous iodine from X-ray contrast media drugsMEZZETTI, T; PROIETTI, G; SBORDONI, A et al.Journal of chromatography. 1988, Vol 434, Num 1, pp 308-314, issn 0021-9673Article

Etude des produits d'iodation du bisphénol ALAKHONINA, T. I; ASKEROV, D. B; KOMAGOROV, A. M et al.Himičeskaja promyšlennost. 1983, Num 10, pp 593-594Article

Iodomethyl group as a hydroxymethyl synthetic equivalent: Application to the syntheses of D-manno-hept-2-ulose and L-fructose derivativesBESSIERES, Bernard; MORIN, Christophe.Journal of organic chemistry. 2003, Vol 68, Num 10, pp 4100-4103, issn 0022-3263, 4 p.Article

A mild and efficient oxidation of primary alkyl iodides to carboxylic acidsHERNANDEZ, R; MELIAN, D; SUAREZ, E et al.Synthesis (Stuttgart). 1992, Num 7, pp 653-655, issn 0039-7881Article

Synthesis and evaluation of potential radioligands for the progesterone receptorHOYTE, R. M; ROSNER, W; JOHNSON, I. S et al.Journal of medicinal chemistry (Print). 1985, Vol 28, Num 11, pp 1695-1699, issn 0022-2623Article

Intravascular immune hemolysis caused by the contrast medium iomeprolMAYER, Beate; LEO, Albrecht; HERZIGER, Angela et al.Transfusion (Philadelphia, PA). 2013, Vol 53, Num 10, pp 2141-2144, issn 0041-1132, 4 p., 1Article

Amiodarone et thyroïde : Endocrinologie = Amiodarone and thyroidMABY-MOTTET, V; OLLO, D; MEYER, P et al.Revue médicale suisse. 2012, Vol 8, Num 362, issn 1660-9379, 2175-2180 [5 p.]Article

Inhibition of the Type 2 lodothyronine Deiodinase Underlies the Elevated Plasma TSH Associated with Amiodarone TreatmentROSENE, Matthew L; WITTMANN, Gábor; ARROJO E DRIGO, Rafael et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 2010, Vol 151, Num 12, pp 5961-5970, issn 0013-7227, 10 p.Article

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